Wednesday, August 11, 2010

His grace is sufficient

Dear friends,

Well, tomorrow is our team's last day on campus, and then this weekend is the retreat that we've been recruiting to. After the camp, we have a day of debriefing and evaluation, and then we fly back home on Tuesday. I have to say that this trip has been incredible, and I am definitely not who I was when I came here. God has taught me so much, and humbled me in so many ways. I have new and deeper desires to know Him, and even to make Him known to the lost. It's crazy to me that we're almost done here. South Africa has become my home, and it feels weird to think that we're leaving, and that I may never return. But God is gracious, and has given me peace about this, that all that has happened was according to His will, and this season of my walk was exactly as He planned it to be. I am leaving here more and more convinced that my life is not my own, and I willingly offer it up to Him for His use, for whatever He chooses, in order that some might come to know Him, and that He would be glorified.

The last few days have been rough. I have to be honest, my soul is growing weary, and I'm tired. My flesh is telling me to give up, to just coast through these last few days. But a stronger Spirit in me refuses, and cries out to God for the strength I need. His grace is sufficient for me, for His power is made perfect in my weakness. Therefore - I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. I pray that this is my heart's cry, and that God would come and strengthen and sustain me, all the way to the end.

After several back and forth decisions, 2 girls that I've been investing in are coming to this retreat: Mandy and Rachel. Mandy has admitted that she is not a believer, but I think that she could be close to giving her life to Jesus, please pray that she would. Rachel actually might be a believer, and she's hungry to know more about Christ. Please pray for them both, that God would speak to them and move in their lives this weekend at the retreat. And please pray for me, for spiritual and physical strength, and an overwhelming passion to utilize every day I have left in South Africa to know God more, and to share Him and His glory with these women. All in all, there will be at least 150 students at this retreat - please pray for hearts to be changed, for souls to be saved.

"Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory." - 2 Timothy 2:10

Thank you all for your support, your consistent prayers. I am convinced that God has heard and answered them. Thank you for partnering with me in taking the gospel to students in South Africa.

In the One who saves,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oh, How He Loves Us

Hey family!

So first of all, I want to apologize for not blogging sooner - it's been an busy week and a half. God is doing a lot though! Bible studies have been going really well, especially ours in Jubes. Last week we had a lot of girls, too many to fit into 1 room, so we had about 4 small groups all together, and went through what Jesus says about what it means to be born again. A lot of girls have the right answers about it, but we're not completely sure about where they stand personally - most girls speak of emotional experiences that they had with God, and some still think its Jesus plus works, but the Gospel is still going forth and penetrating hearts. We've all been able to share our testimonies, and that really helps them see what it means to have a heart changed by God, and to hear about how our lives changed after that.

Also, we have a new sister in Christ from Jubes - her name is Grace. (hmmm very appropriate!) She prayed to receive Christ last week, and her heart was changed!! She just kept saying that she just wants to know God, and today some of us got to follow up with her, and she is experiencing new desires, and understanding things about the Word - she never knew that Jesus was a man. The Spirit revealed that to her through John 1, and she is letting the Spirit guide her to make decisions about her life! Sooo amazing - God is so faithful and good!

It's been sweet to see how God is working lately - so many girls are interested in investigating about Christ! I've even met a couple girls that I think are believers, but just need leadership. They are super hungry, and seem interested in what CO is all about. Tonight we got to share with them the vision of CO, discipleship, and multiplication, and they were really intrigued by it. Please pray for them: Ofentse and Thandi and Charmaine (Charmaine is definitely a believer - she's very encouraging). Pray that they would desire to grow to know Christ more, and seek out leadership as well.

Some of the other girls that Jacqueline and I have gotten close too also seem somewhat interested: Stephanie, Mandy, Amanda, V and Rachel. Jacq has become especially close to Stephanie, and we both have really connected with Mandy and Amanda (they're room mates). Amanda came to church with us this weekend and loved it! And I've been able to really connect with V - she was amazed when I shared my testimony with her. All of them have been to both the Bible studies so far as well. We're in the process of recruiting girls to our Winter Camp (a weekend retreat) and all 4 of them want to go, along with Ofentse, Thandi, and Charmaine. The only issue is money - it costs 250 rand each, so about $35 USD. We hope that they won't let that stop them, and that at least they could come up with half, and we can somehow figure out how to come up with the rest. Fortunately, the exchange rate is in our favor, so we can help out some girls if they need it. Please pray that they would come, and that the money would be provided for all of them, for: Stephanie, V, Amanda, Mandy, Rachel, Thandi, Ofentse, and Charmaine.

I'm still learning a ton, and struggling to experience the sweet grace of the gospel every day. But when I do, when God softens my heart, I get to taste the sweet relief of His mercy and faithfulness to me, and He helps me see a little glimpse of His glory every time. It's incredible the way I'm experiencing Him - I think this has been the most intimate season of my walk with God since He changed my life. Full-time ministry is challenging, faith-testing, and draining all at the same time. But most of all, it has been so rewarding! What a privilege it is to be here, to learn and to see God move in the hearts of these girls. I've been overwhelmed with His love, His relentless, unwavering, unconditional love for me, and for these girls. Oh, how He loves us! Please pray that God would continue to reveal and break me over my sin against Him, that He would break my heart for what breaks His, and allow me to daily experience the glory of Jesus and of the Cross.

We have exactly 7 days left on campus, and God could do huge things. I pray and hope that He would. That He would use our team, and the believers already here to take the Gospel forward. That these girls would see the severity of their sin against a perfect and holy God, that souls would be saved and hearts would be changed. A lot can happen in 7 days - our God is all-powerful! Thank you all for your faithful prayers - I am really feeling them, and I think these girls are as well. Thank you for your support, and for partnering with me in taking the Gospel of Christ to Africa.

In Him,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You said: "Ask, and you will receive."

Hey team!

We're in the middle of week 2 at Wits now, and God is really moving already! Last week we met lots of students, and recruited for a Braai on Friday night. We had quite a turnout - about 120 students! There was lots of food, music, dancing, and conversations. (We introduced a few students to the American delicacy of S'mores :) It was great fun, and the students loooved it! The Gospel was shared before we ate, and I think that it sparked some sweet conversations and follow-ups this week. Jacqueline and I met about 25 girls last week, and have built some solid friendships with a few of them.

We had our first Bible study in Jubes last night, and between us 4 girls laboring there, about 16 girls came. I was able to share my testimony, and we discussed who Jesus is and the claims he makes, mostly in the book of John. We read through a few major things that he says, and that Jesus says about himself, and discussed questions in small groups. Most girls knew the right answers, so it's really a matter of seeing where their hearts are at, and where they stand before God. Please pray that they would wrestle with those questions, and what the claims that Jesus makes mean for their lives.

Tonight was our first evangelistic meeting, called HD - High Definition. Matt Cazee spoke and shared his testimony, and mostly just shared the Gospel, and how it pertains to our lives. He made a point that we cannot merely aknowledge Jesus and who he is, but repent, and turn to trust believe in Him. I think it really challenged the people that came, and will be a great way to follow-up with the girls from Jubes that came.

As for me personally, everyday is a struggle to believe the Gospel - I know that's always the case, but God is revealing a lot of sin lately, and many idols in my life. We're in John 15 now, and I feel like every verse hits me right where I'm at - about what it means to abide in Him, to ask anything in His name, and learning the promise that He will do it, if we ask in His name. He is teaching me what it means everyday to abide in Him, and transforming my desires to His, so that my thinking is also transformed, and therefore my prayers will be pleasing to Him. I am also learning about the fact the God really is in control, and it is fully up to Him whether or not we get to have gospel conversations with girls, or if no girls are around and we go to the roof to pray. Just that it doesn't depend on me, and God is the one doing the work. He changes hearts, not me.

Speaking of the roof...Jacqueline and I cover the top 5 floors of Jubes and decided to go to the roof everyday before we go to hang out with girls to pray for our day. There's an incredible view of a big part of Johannesburg, and even some mountains in the distance. I know a friend that went to Jo'burg last summer and also labored in Jubes, and also went to the roof to sing praises to God, the song "You Said" by Shane and Shane. That song comes in my head every time we're up there - that God says to us "ask, and you will receive, whatever you need." The song also says in the chorus, "Ask and I'll give the nations to you, O Lord, that's the cry of my heart. distant shores and the islands will see Your light, as it rises on us." It's a testament to the sweet promise that God is so faithful, even when I'm not, and He wants to bless me, and use me to bring Him glory. This really is becoming the cry of my heart, and we ask God everyday to change the hearts of these women, and in that glorifying Himself.

Thank you all for the prayers, comments, and emails. It is such a sweet blessing to read them, and to know that I have brothers and sisters on the other side of the world interceding in prayer on our behalf.

In the One who saves,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Adventures in Jo'burg!

Hello friends!

Well we have been in Jo'burg for 6 days now, and it has been utter chaos and quite a battle since we arrived. I think Satan has been scheming against us since we left the US. Besides almost missing our flight, there have been many trials, big and small, that have tested our faith and endurance.

Turns out our team mate Rachel that was sick in the States is too ill to come to Africa at all. She has hepatitis now, and is very weak and sick. Apparently the Lord had different plans for her this summer, and saw it fit for her to stay home. This was a blow to our team, and especially myself, because I was really excited to labor with her at Wits, but I cannot imagine what she is going through now. Please pray for her through this tough time and that she would trust in and rely on the Lord through this will for her summer.

Other things include that our house we're staying at is not completely finished, so electricity and hot water have been inconsistent at first. A couple people on our team have been sick. Our Toyota Quantums (kumbi) are too tall to fit through the gate at our house, so we cannot park them here, and have to park them at a COJ house a few minutes away. Also, the CO director of Wits and one of our key leaders, Tim, had his car stereo stolen the other night. And our other COJ leader, Beth - the clutch on her car went the middle of a high-traffic street in Jo'burg...on a hill. We had to get out, push it up a ways up the hill, and into a parking spot, while crazy Jo'burg taxis are flying by on both sides. And those are just the big things, there have been many minor setbacks as well.

I'm convinced that we are in spiritual warfare right now. That Satan sees why we're here, and he doesn't like it. He is doing all he can to stop us from helping the Gospel go forth at Wits. But, we are clinging to the truth of Ephesians 6:10-20, the sweet promises of 2 Cor. 12:9-10 and 10:3-4. Satan doesn't stand a chance - Jesus has already won! And we know that these trials will produce endurance, and refuse to grow weary. (Romans 5:3-5)

Anyways, since we've been here, we have had some orientation for ministry at Wits and have been getting to know some of the CO students from Wits, too. We have learned alot about the vision here, and the method they use on campus: targeting 1st year students, because they will be there longer, and be able to have more impact on campus than older students would.

We started on campus on Monday. My ministry partner is now Jacqueline, a senior at Purdue. We've been getting to know each other and are becoming closer everyday. We are laboring in Jubilee Hall (Jubes), a girls dorm at Wits. There are about 80 1st years in Jubes. Jacq and I are on floors 7 through 11, and have been knocking on doors and meeting lots of girls all week. So far we've met 19 girls! Our goal for this week is to just meet a lot of 1st years and build friendships. We are also recruiting to a Braai that COJ is putting on on Friday night. Most of the girls we've met are planning on coming - Praise God!

Prayer requests would be....
favor with the girls in Jubes and good friendships to be built.
unity as a team and with Jacqueline as partners.
God would continue to give us trials to draw us to run to Him and rely on Him in every situation.
that my own heart would be softened to the Gospel everyday and I would rely on the Spirit to guide my words and direct my thoughts to Jesus.
that our team would be bold to tell people about Jesus! (Ephesians 6:19)

Thank you all for your prayers and support - I don't deserve it at all. This is an amazing privilege to be here, to have this opportunity. Thank you for helping it to be possible.

In the One who saves,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

South Africa - week 1 update

My faithful brothers and sisters,

I am pleased to inform you all that our team made it safely to South Africa! We had quite a trip though - our flight from Indy to DC was delayed, which put us in DC at 5:40 pm.....and our flight for Jo'burg was supposed to depart from DC at 5:40 pm. So, we were on the plane waiting, thinking we would have to stay overnight in DC and try to get on the next flight to Jo'burg as soon as we could. We were trying to cling to God's sovereignty, and remembering that this is His plan. Turns out, the flight people contacted the Jo'burg flight and told them to wait, they announced that all passengers on the plane that were going to Jo'burg to get off the plane first, and they told us to run! The plane waited for us, and 15 of us college students RAN through the DC terminal to get on our flight!! Apparently God wanted us on that flight, and we made it! Crazy.

After a 16-hour flight, we arrived in Jo'burg at 7 pm on Tuesday night (their time). I have so much to tell you all, but for the sake of time I will only hit on the highlights. We've been staying at COJ's (Campus Outreach-Johannesburg) retreat center called Ebenezer Farms. It's outside of the city, and you drive through a township to get there. The last 3 days our team has been working in this township called Delmas, along with other CO people and church leaders in the area building houses for 2 families. It has been hard labor and tough work, lots of lifting and shoveling and getting dirty, but it's been such a privilege to serve these people. We've been able to meet many South Africans, and many of them are Christians. God has provided some sweet fellowship with these brothers and sisters. One girl, Makhotso (Mak-G for short) is staying with us at Ebenezer too. She attends Wits, is involved with CO and has been a believer for about 2 years. I am loving this chance to get to know her - her walk and her testimony is really encouraging, and I'm excited for our friendship for this summer.

All in all, this experience has been ridiculously eye opening and transforming. I've seen the differences in our cultures to a great extent, from the food, to the way they work and interact, to how they worship. The food is amazing (there's no preservatives here, and they eat lots of meat), they are very hardworking and disciplined, and just kind and gentle in how they treat each other. I love it here more and more everyday. I cannot believe how much I've seen and all that's happened so far, and it has not even been a week. The more time I spend here, the more convinced I am that God is moving in my heart to consider something like this for my life.

This summer our team is studying the Upper Room Discourse in John 13 - 17 and reading Francis Chan's book called Crazy Love. We began John 13 this week, and have been learning a lot about what it means to serve. In the context of working and building in the township, the true meaning of Christlike service is being revealed to us more and more. Please pray that we would continue to learn to die to ourselves, to consider others more significant than ourselves.

Also, my ministry partner on the team, Rachel, is still in the States - she has been very sick with mono, and was unable to make the trip. She's is getting medicine and treatment, but it will be at least a week and a half until she can come. She is still planning on coming, but please pray for her health and her trip that she'll be making alone.

I wish I could express all that I've experienced so far in such a way that would give you insight to this country, but my time is very limited. All I can say is that it has been amazing, I've experienced God and His glory in new ways, and my eyes have been opened to just how broken this world is, and how great the need is for laborers.

Personal prayer requests would be that I would continue to learn how to truly serve the way Jesus did, that God would show me and my team His glory everyday, and that we would die to our comforts everyday. And also for safety and protection - we are heading out to Kruger Park tomorrow for 3 nights of real camping (in tents).

Thank you for sending me to Africa, and for helping make it possible for me to experience the gospel, God's glory, and the world in new ways. (and don't worry, I'm taking tons of pictures!)

Until all hear,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update #2: flight plans and schedule

Welp, the team officially flys out in 13 days - Monday, June 28th. We will be leaving Monday afternoon, stop in Washington D.C. for about an hour layover, then fly to Joburg through the night. It's a long flight, I think at least 12 hours, but I'm not for sure on that. I think most of us will be sleeping anyway. Fortunately we will have a day of rest to adjust to the time change.

Here's a layout of our schedule for when we get there: from July 1st to the 4th, we will be at Ebenezer Farms, doing mercy ministry in the townships (aka "slums") of Jo'burg. July 5th through the 8th we will be camping at Kruger National Park (oh boy!!!) and finally, we will move into our house that we're renting on the 9th. We will spend the first couple days doing city/campus orientation, and have a leaders gathering with the Campus Outreach staff there to kick off the semester. July 12th is our first day on campus at Wits. Basically, our first 2 weeks there will consist of mercy ministry, Kruger Park, and getting settled in the house and familiar with the city, campus, and COJ staff. Then the last 5 weeks we'll be laboring on campus.

That's pretty much it...When I get there, I will be able to get online to blog at least once a week. I'll also be checking my email too, it's I will not be checking facebook, which is probably a good thing. That's all for now.

In Him,

Monday, June 7, 2010